Miles Levi Keen

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Osborne Family, From Buchanan County, Virginia

                Miles Levi Keen
 Miles L. Keen was born 1897 in Pilgrim's Knob
Buchanan County,Virginia. He died September
01st 1973 and is buried in Hope Arkansas. He was
the seventh child born to Fannie And Thompon
Keen from Buchanan County.
 Miles Levi was a sargeant in the '' Fifth Cavalry, ''
he traveled far to join the fight against  Pancho
Villa. He was inducted into the Army in 1912, and
joined General Pershing's Unit fighting against 
PanchoVilla in Mexico in 1916. Before going to
Mexico Keen was stationed in Fort Sheriden Illinois.

From there he wrote a letter to his sister Juda
Qquinn's mother, giving his thoughts March 18th
1916. I had a letter from Joe. Jonas his brother
who was also in Mexico . He was on his
way to Mexico''.... Keen wrote. Although i am
satisfied where i am at i would rather be with Joe
in Mexico. We may soon leave here for Mexico
I guess now when i see Joe it will  be Texas or
 Keen was shipped out from Fort Sheriden to
Columbus New Mexico, where the fight began on
Panacho Villa. From there his Unit crossed
the Rio Grande into the Mexican Interior.

A letter from Hereford, Texas to his sister dated
March 24th says, just a few lines as we are rolling
pretty fast for Mexico. We will cross at Columbus
New Mexico..don't worry about Joe and myself,
and write to Columbus. The '' Fifth Cavalry ''
crossed the border at Columbus New Mexico
near El Paso, Texas he says.
 He served a year in Mexico. They
stayed mobile and lived off the land, chasing Pancho

Photo was found in Richland's
New Press March 15th 1989.

Courtesy Of Merlie O. Keen Mullins
and Monica Louise Strickland

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Miles Levi Keen
Born: 1897/ Died Sept 01st 1973

 Keen wrote his sister again from Mexico June 24th
1916. I haven't seen Jonas in several days. He is
back toward the states. I expect to see him in a
few days, we are moving toward the states.
  He wrote from Fort Bliss Texas April 24th 1917.
From there, he went to Arkansas, where he
married his sweetheart Callie Clifton. He continued his
Army career and served in War World I, fighting in
France and Germany. It was not a bullet that took
his life it was influenza in Pons France, September

Note: Levi is buried in Hope Arkansas

Miles Levi Keen Family Photo Album!