James Whitten Osborne

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Osborne Family, From Buchanan County, Virginia

             James Whitten Osborne
 James Whitten Osborne was born January
10th 1895 and died June 08th1965 in
Buchanan County, Virginia.
 On July 13th 1923 James married Eliza
Jane Davis Day. Born April 30th 1897
and died November 26th 1977. The union
had twelve children.

He lived on Bradshaw Mountain. Logging  
for a living. Back in James' time they lived in
a home with a dirt floor. His son Ira grew pop
corn and sold it for a living. Also took corn
to the mill for corn meal.
 Ira moved to Maryland and later invited
his parents to come and live with him in 1949.
They both worked to help with their 
independence. There he worked on a
chicken farm. James became sick with T.B.
and spent two years in Baltimore hospital.
After going back home to Virginia he died three years later.

Jane went to live with thier son Tommy
Ruby in Califorina, later she became sick
and John and Patsy came and brought
her back to Maryland. Later moving to
West Virginia where she passed away.
 Whitten served in the armey from June
18th 1918 to October 18th 1919 sailed
from the U.S.A. on October 20th 1918 to
serve in France.

  1.) Dora Osborne m: Died 1947
  2.) Fudd Osbornem: Died Young
  3.) Meldie Osborne m: Died Young
  4.) Stella Osborne m: Fred Brewster
  5.) Tommy Osborne m: Ruby Roberts
  6.) IraE. Osborne m: Betty Honaker
  7.) Polly Osborne m:Calvin Muncy
  8.) Gladys Osborne m: Charlie Muncy
  9.) Otis Osborne m:Shirley Dunsford
10.) Audrey Osborne m: Bill Eldreth
11.) John C. Osborne m: Patsy Woods
12.) Juanita Osborne m: Died Infant

James Whitten Osborne
Born:Jan 10th 1895/ Died June 8th 1965

Eliza Jane Day Davis
Born: April 30th 1897/ Died Nov 26th 1977

The Children Of James And Jane Osborne Are:
  1.) Dora Osborne born: 1047
  2.) Fudd Osborne born:DiedYoung
  3.) Meldie Osborne born: Died Young
  4.) Stella Osborne born:
  5.) Tommy Osborne born:
  6.) Ira E. Osborne borne: Feb 12th 1926
  7.) Polly Osborne born:Feb 22nd 1928
  8.)GladysOsborne born: Aug 20th 1931
  9.) Otis Osborne born: May 22nd 1934
10.) Audury  Osborne born: Aug 04th 1936
11.) John C.Osborne born: April 24th 1940
12.) Juanita Osborne born: Died Infant

James Whitten Osborne

Eliza Jane Day Davis!

James Whitten Osborne Family Photo Album!