James Osborne

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Osborne Family, From Buchanan County, Virginia

           '' James Osborne ''
 James Osborne was born 1674  in Warwick
England. In 1696 James married  Anne Carter she was
born about 1675 in Stratford England. She
died in Warwick England.
The Union had four children.
 James and Ann's son Jonathan came to King and
Queen County Virginia landing at the James River
settlement October 27th 1720. He was a member
of  the colonial assembly of Virginia. He joined the
Kings Royal Guards and remained in the royal
service in New York and Port Royal. A deed is
recorded in Amelia County, Virginia . Book 1 page
429 which mentions a patent of 400 acres granted
to Jno.  Osborne

James and Ann Osborne's Children Were
1.) Ephrime Osborne B: Abt. 1695/
2.) Jonathon Osborne B: Mar 27th 1697/
      D: July 1792
3.) William Osborne B: 1699
4.) Frances Osborne B: 1693

Jonathan Osborne M: ..........Gretta Holman

Note:Courtesy Of Sadie Sidotti

James Osborne!

Anna Osborne!

James Osborne Family History Album!